I am Back.....

so much has changed- i have no idea where to begin- we moved- i am adjusting- deep down i know it is/was a total and complete- BLESSING- but- i still have some unanswered questions- hmmmm- she graduated preschool- mastered the quad- her best friend is mason- and she always wants to help her mama she turned 8- never will she give up her blankie- man is she a great softball player, who knew- she can climb any tree- forever she will be labeled sweet yes, he turned 8 too- his football team came in FIRST place- he thinks he is too cool- his best friend is scout- he is my protector


Cesar, Nicole, Chloe, and Kayla said...

Yay! I have been clicking on your blog at least once a week checking to see if you have posted anything. So happy you are back! Where did you move? Yay, you are back!

Whit said...

I can't believe they are 8!

Hope you are well... where did you guys move too?