
we celebrated at our house this year with family and some close friends. homemade chicken tortilla soup, fresh salsa, mummy dogs and loads of candy.
we also got booed, so darn fun


Cesar, Nicole, Chloe, and Kayla said...

What does it mean to be booed???

Lauren said...

nicole it is so fun, you pack a bag of treats and ding dong and ditch. when you do it at halloween you leave a poem and a sign that says we;ve been booed, the person posts that sign on their door and then has to boo 2 people and on it goes. i've heard of doing it all year long and leaving a box of ding dongs and a cute poem to go along with it. we did it to my dad this year, we all dressed in black and we parked down the street rang the door bell and ran! the kids thought it was the best night ever!