it began in the hallway of the twins school
the pastors wife approached me, we hardly knew each other,
yet, she knew our families desire
she told me to begin praying, that the abortion had been cancelled
i wept and prayed and cried out to God
then she told me it was a boy, just what we wanted
the girl was young and scared
the boyfriend abusive and removed
girl thought she wanted a "white" family
she was shown our family picture but didn't understand how we would LOVE another child
i stayed up late talking with private adoption worker
i thought this could be it
pastors wife and i prayed together and cried again together
i got the call when he was born
it was not what God wanted for our family
i still pray for scared girl and baby boy
i think about how old he is
i am waiting for God's will
not MINE


Whit said...

Lauren -
I am so sorry. You are such a wonderful mother and have a beautiful family. Some day, maybe not now... but someday this girl will understand how much love you have for a child and how it only continues and deepens with each child that comes into your home.

My prayers will be with you and Danny.


molly june. said...

loved catching up on your blog this morning. and this post made me cry. praying for you & your family! XOXO