So People my kind of bloggin' is to just post some pics and be on my way. But- since the hubby has been away (Boarding and work) and I can't use his mac to import pics all i can do is speak (it's true I don't know how to import pics on this old thing). So Teeg has been sick- up-chucking-Tessi Bear started Baseball, without her bro by her side, and Tater Tot is just being a CRAZY toddler. This means I can't go anywhere- with Teeg being sick and all-hope he recovers quick. Over this week Hubby will be gone 6 home 1. OH MY!!!!!!!! So today in an attempt to keep the NUTS out of my hair I have taped butcher paper to the dining room table tossed some crayons and heart stickers on it and told them to make daddy a Valentines table for when he arrives home. We'll see how long that lasts. I've already been on facebook way too much and checked the blogs I love to read, put away a mile high load of laundry and now I'm wondering how I will feed these kiddos with empty cupboards and no food in the fridge...Possibly Papa Wally will come by so I can run to the store. OH as I type this Tater has turned on my blow dryer in my bathroom and is yelling something-THAT KID. Loved chatting with you all noe I MUST do something besides sitiing at this computer-Remind me to tell you about the SILLY LITTLE BIRD who tries to get in our back windows every morning-I don't know if he has a beak left!

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