Our lives have been so full lately and I am so enjoying the memories we are making. Although I feel I have the most challenging  kiddos in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD. My heavenly Father gives me strength to get through my CRAZY days. BOY, what would I do without Him???? Six Months ago I THOUGHT it would be cool to start running, WELL WELL WELL-two races down and I'm thinking a triathalon might be fun. WHO KNEW, although it IS strange- the training is intense and many days I don't want to do it, but crossing that finish line is THRILLING!!! TATER is always into something and is now in a BIG GIRL bed oh my, and I'm getting ready to register the twins for KINDERGARDEN. The Lord has been revealing to me lately that I need to live each day as if it's my LAST and remember to ENJOY every MOMENT-even the stinky ones. So my prayer is that I wake up each morning with a JOYFUL heart. HIS mercies are new every morning. 

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