So for the past couple of days danny, teegan, mike and clayton were enjoying themselves at the desert...... riding. some quality daddy son bonding time. tess was originally suppost to go but decided at the last minute she  did not want to ride a quad, kinda like she does not want to play soccer- i have to bribe her-i thought she was going to be an athlete-well i know she's only 4 but anyways i guess i need to sign her up for dance. so....having twins who are always together- never apart- i just thought they hated each other (maybe hate is to strong of a word). well at mops today tess had to go by herself, my friend oly was helping in her class so she told me this.........she found tess silently crying when she asked her what was wrong she said she missed me, then the regular teacher looked at oly and said maybe she misses teegan, so oly asked and tess started crying even harder and said YES, they really do have a special bond-they need each other- this is one of the first times they have been apart from each other this long, i hope they are best friends for life. So the big question is .....................Should they be in the same kindergarden class together??????????????????????? I love my teeg and tessi girl  so much.

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