In my incredible family we always celebrate birthdays with a BIG BIRTHDAY DINNER-or something of the sorts-so to honor Danny and Kyra we had a BBQ with the whole fam. There is usually lots of food and treats, maybe a few games, running around, yelling, playing, a good debate, great conversation and usually some teasing-they were all laughing at me for taking pictures because they knew they were for the blog, WHATEVER. Anywho I love you all so much and the Bash was a ball of fun.
Thanks Boys for watching the BBQ and making sure nothing burned
Thanks Co Co for the corn-the fixins were the Bomb
Thanks Carrie for the Yummy desert-the frosting was to die for
Thanks Linds for bringing Troy-Hope he loved the Crazy Fam
Thanks Kris for doing the dishes
Thanks Mom for the yummo meat and for cleaning up
Thanks Mis for helping me with the Whipped Cream-I will never buy the store bought stuff again
Thanks D and Kyra for being born

Imagination Museum Tymorie Turns ONE

Feel the LOVE

"If you love Me, keep My commandments. And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever-the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for he dwells with you and will be in you. I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you." John 14: 15-18

These Days.........

Wow- this past week has been CRAZY fun. Sorry about the 50 million pictures that follow but I just don't have the time to post that often- So here it goes. Our lives have recently been interrupted with..........PONY BASEBALL and YES Tess is the only girl on the team and SHE IS PRETTY GOOD, so there, she can be in dance some other time......MOM. Teegan is a CHARACTER-I haven't quite figured him out yet but he has me laughing and SCREAMING most of the time. Can you believe we found him pretending to read the bible while........... He wants to be just like his daddy, HAAAAAA. Oh, the shirt and tie, yes, they were worn to school- the kid insisted-I have to choose my battles. I just love dressing my girls the same whenever possible-which isn't  that often anymore but when they do I HAVE to take a picture. Whenever possible the kiddos and I enjoy turning up the music and shakin' it. Kids really bring so much fun into everything-what would I do without them? Well the days here have been FABULOUS- what I mean is the sun has been showing her face so we have been outside coloring, playing and OF COURSE enjoying POPSICLES. THESE DAYS are gonna be gone before I know it so I better enjoy them while I can- RIGHT? 

These Days